Dbms_Scheduler Reason= Manual Slave Run
Demos, Syntax, and Example Code of Oracle DBMSSTATS supporting CBO Optimizer Statistics Collection. DBMSSCHEDULER. The DBMSSCHEDULER package provides a collection of scheduling functions and procedures that are callable from any PLSQL program. DBMSSCHEDULERData Structures. The DBMSSCHEDULER package defines OBJECT types and TABLE types. JOBARG Object Type. This type is used by the JOB and JOBATTR object types. It represents a job argument in a batch of job arguments. Syntax. TYPE jobarg IS OBJECT. NUMBER. argtextvalue VARCHAR24. ANYDATA. argoperation VARCHAR25. Attributes. Table 1. JOBARG Object Type Attributes. Attribute. Descriptionargposition. How To Synergy Video Express. Position of the argumentargtextvalue. Value of the argument if the type is VARCHAR2arganydatavalue. Value of the argument if the type is Any. Dataargoperation. Type of the operation JOBARG Constructor Function. This constructor function constructs a job argument. It is overloaded to construct job arguments with different types of values. Syntax. Constructs a job argument with a text value. IN POSITIVEN. argvalue IN VARCHAR2. RETURN SELF AS RESULT. Constructs a job argument with an Any. Data value. constructor function jobarg. IN POSITIVEN. argvalue IN ANYDATA. RETURN SELF AS RESULT. Constructs a job argument with a NULL value. IN POSITIVEN. argreset IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE. RETURN SELF AS RESULT. Parameters. Table 1. JOBARG Constructor Function Parameters. Dbms_Scheduler Reason= Manual Slave Run' title='Dbms_Scheduler Reason= Manual Slave Run' />Parameter. Descriptionargposition. Position of the argumentargvalue. Value of the argumentargreset. If argreset is TRUE, then the argument at that position is reset. Setting argreset to FALSE which is the default will create an argument with a NULL value. JOBARGARRAY Table Type. Syntax. TYPE jobargarray IS TABLE OF jobarg. Dbms_Scheduler Reason= Manual Slave Run' title='Dbms_Scheduler Reason= Manual Slave Run' />JOB Object Type Deprecated. Use the JOBDEFINITION object type instead. JOBARRAY Table Type Deprecated. Use the JOBDEFINITIONARRAY table type instead. JOBDEFINITION Object Type. This type is used by the CREATEJOBS procedure and represents a job in a batch of jobs. Syntax. TYPE jobdefinition IS OBJECT. VARCHAR21. 00. jobclass VARCHAR23. VARCHAR21. 1. programname VARCHAR21. VARCHAR24. 00. 0. DBMSSCHEDULER. The DBMSSCHEDULER package provides a collection of scheduling functions and procedures that can be called from any PLSQL program. Oracle Tuning The Definitive Reference Second Edition Donald K. Burleson. Retail Price 69. USD 45. 95 75. 95 Canadian. Tags2.pdf-0-wat.png' alt='Dbms_Scheduler Reason= Manual Slave Run' title='Dbms_Scheduler Reason= Manual Slave Run' />VARCHAR22. VARCHAR26. VARCHAR24. INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND. TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE. TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE. VARCHAR24. 00. 0. VARCHAR21. 00. numberofarguments NUMBER. SYS. JOBARGARRAY. NUMBER. jobweight NUMBER. INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND. NUMBER. maxfailures NUMBER. NUMBER. restartable VARCHAR25. VARCHAR25. raiseevents NUMBER. VARCHAR22. 40. autodrop VARCHAR25. VARCHAR25. followdefaulttimezone VARCHAR25. VARCHAR25. aqjob VARCHAR25. NUMBER. credentialname VARCHAR26. VARCHAR24. 00. 0. FGHZHljZvUXRFw8nd%2FyT0JOg7Y%3D' alt='Dbms_Scheduler Reason= Manual Slave Run' title='Dbms_Scheduler Reason= Manual Slave Run' />VARCHAR22. VARCHAR25. Object Attributes. Table 1. 29 3 provides brief descriptions of the attributes of the JOBDEFINITION object type. For more complete information about these attributes, see the CREATEJOB Procedure and the SETATTRIBUTE Procedure. Table 1. 29 3 JOBDEFINITION Object Type Attributes. Attribute. Descriptionjobname. Name of the jobjobclass. Name of the job classjobstyle. Style of the job programname. Name of the program that the job runsjobaction. Inline action of the job. This is either the code for an anonymous PLSQL block or the name of a stored procedure, external executable, or chain. Job action type PLSQLBLOCK, STOREDPROCEDURE, EXECUTABLE, or CHAINschedulename. Name of the schedule that specifies when the job has to executerepeatinterval. Inline time based scheduleschedulelimit. Maximum delay time between scheduled and actual job start before a job run is canceledstartdate. Start date and time of the jobenddate. End date and time of the jobeventcondition. Event condition for event based jobsqueuespec. File watcher name or queue specification for event based jobsnumberofarguments. Number of job argumentsarguments. Array of job argumentsjob priority. Job priorityjobweight Deprecated in Oracle Database 1. Release 2 1. 1. 2. Do not change the value of this attribute from the default, which is 1. Weight of the job for parallel execution. Maximum run duration of the jobmaxruns. Maximum number of runs before the job is marked as completedmaxfailures. Maximum number of failures tolerated before the job is marked as brokenlogginglevel. Job logging levelrestartable. Indicates whether the job is restartable TRUE or not FALSEstoponwindowexit. Indicates whether the job is stopped when the window that it runs in ends TRUE or not FALSE. Equivalent to the stoponwindowclose job attribute described in the SETATTRIBUTE Procedure. State changes that raise eventscomments. Comments on the jobautodrop. If TRUE the default, indicates that the job should be dropped once completedenabled. Indicates whether the job should be enabled immediately after creating it TRUE or not FALSEfollowdefaulttimezone. If TRUE and if the job startdate is null, then when the defaulttimezone scheduler attribute is changed, the Scheduler recomputes the next run date and time for this job so that it is in accordance with the new time zone. For event based jobs only. If TRUE, on the arrival of the specified event, the Scheduler creates a new lightweight job to handle that event, so multiple instances of the same event based job can run in parallel. If FALSE, then an event is discarded if it is raised while the job that handles it is already running,aqjob. For internal use onlyinstanceid. The instance ID of the instance that the job must run oncredentialname. The credential to use for a single destination or the default credential for a group of destinationsdestination. The name of a single external destination or database destination, or a group name of type external destination or database destinationdatabaserole. In an Oracle Data Guard environment, the database role PRIMARY or LOGICALSTANDBY for which the job runsallowrunsinrestrictedmode. If TRUE, the job is permitted to run when the database is in restricted mode, provided that the job owner is permitted to log in during this mode. JOBDEFINITION Constructor Function. This constructor function constructs a jobdefinition object. Syntax. constructor function jobdefinition. IN VARCHAR2. jobstyle IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT REGULAR. IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL. IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL. IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL. IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL. IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL. IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL. IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL. IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT NULL. IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT NULL. IN NATURAL DEFAULT NULL. IN SYS. JOBARGARRAY DEFAULT NULL. IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT DEFAULTJOBCLASS. IN INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND DEFAULT NULL. IN NATURAL DEFAULT NULL. IN NATURAL DEFAULT NULL. IN INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND DEFAULT NULL. IN NATURAL DEFAULT NULL. IN NATURAL DEFAULT NULL. IN NATURALN DEFAULT 6. IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE. IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE. IN NATURAL DEFAULT NULL. IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL. IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE. IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE. IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE. IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE. IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE. IN NATURAL DEFAULT NULL. IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL. IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL. IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL. IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE. RETURN SELF AS RESULT. JOBDEFINITIONARRAY Table Type. Syntax. TYPE jobdefinitionarray IS TABLE OF jobdefinition. JOBATTR Object Type. This type is used by the SETJOBATTRIBUTES procedure and represents a job attribute in a batch of job attributes. Syntax. TYPE jobattr IS OBJECT. VARCHAR21. 00. attrname VARCHAR23. VARCHAR24. 00. 0. VARCHAR24. 00. 0.